
UK;The Independent 紙のBest Five of the Year [音楽時評]

イギリスのThe Independent 紙がBest Five of the Year を上げていましたので,ご紹介しておきます.前に The Guardian が The Observer を紹介しているのをブログにしましたが,今度は The Independent 直接の review です.

いずれもごく短くって分りやすい注釈付きです.                                    まず,Lodon, Royal Festival Hall で行われた優れた女流指揮者 Marin Alsop 指揮の Bernstein Mass です.                                       未だ評価が定着していない曲ですが,two terrific performances of what has to be the composer's masterpiece. It still divides opinions, but it's a rich celebration of music's power to heal divisions – social, political, and religious.  という音楽の意義に踏み込んだ注釈に惹かれました.

次はGlyndebourne 歌劇場のBilly Budd ですが,                          Michael Grandage's operatic debut was a triumph, thrillingly conducted by Mark Elder and boasting a touching performance in the title role from rising star Jacques Imbrailo. とたいへんお気に入りだったようです.

3番目は BBC Proms における イギリスの若手Pianist,Paul Lewis が Beethoven Piano Concertos 5曲を Daniel Barenboim と渡り合って好演したことを,Few understand better than he the delicate balance between Beethoven the classicist and Beethoven the visionary. という視点から称賛しています.

4,5番目は,London Philharmonic Orchestra の優れた演奏会で,まず,Jurowski's inspirational account of Mahler's pantheistic 3rd Symphony was awesome in the truest sense of the word, そして Petrenko's debut with the orchestra took the roof off with Shostakovich's great revolutionary 11th Symphony "The Year 1905".  を上げています.I'm still reeling from both.というほど,強い印象を受けたようです.




The Year in Review: Best classical & opera of 2010

By Edward Seckerson

Friday, 24 December 2010

Vasily Petrenko's debut with the London Philharmonic Orchestra took the roof off with Shostakovich's great revolutionary 11th Symphony 'TheYear 1905'

Vasily Petrenko's debut with the London Philharmonic Orchestra took the roof off with Shostakovich's great revolutionary 11th Symphony 'TheYear 1905'


Bernstein Mass/Marin Alsop

Royal Festival Hall, London

The South Bank's Leonard Bernstein Project culminated in two terrific performances of what has to be the composer's masterpiece. It still divides opinions, but it's a rich celebration of music's power to heal divisions – social, political, and religious.


Billy Budd


Michael Grandage's operatic debut was a triumph, thrillingly conducted by Mark Elder and boasting a touching performance in the title role from rising star Jacques Imbrailo.


Beethoven Piano Concertos/ Paul Lewis

BBC Proms

The young British pianist Paul Lewis went head to head this year with the great Daniel Barenboim and made an indelible impression with his poised and insightful Proms performances of all five Beethoven Concertos. Few understand better than he the delicate balance between Beethoven the classicist and Beethoven the visionary.


London Philharmonic Orchestra/Vladimir Jurowski/Vasily Petrenko

There's nothing to separate my two outstanding symphonic performances of the year, both featuring the LPO at the top of its game. Jurowski's inspirational account of Mahler's pantheistic 3rd Symphony was awesome in the truest sense of the word, while Petrenko's debut with the orchestra took the roof off with Shostakovich's great revolutionary 11th Symphony "The Year 1905". I'm still reeling from both.

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DSO-less season is s..UK;The best classica.. ブログトップ
