
【論説】オセティア=ゲルギェフ,グルジア,ロシア,アメリカ [論説]


それで1件落着かと思いましたが,ロシア軍の駐留が続いており,すっかり lame duckになっていた アメリカのブッシュ大統領が居丈高にロシアを非難し,空と海から人道的支援を送り込み,ライス国務長官をグルジアに派遣するということです.

少し客観的にグルジアの歴史的背景と,ロシアが駐留を継続している根拠を,New York Times誌(8月14日付けインターネット版)から原文のまま引用して,前のブログの補完をしておきたいと思います.

1.グルジアの背景とその36歳の大統領 Saakashvili について

Georgia emerged from breakup of the Soviet Union divided by its own separatist conflicts and afflicted with corruption and poverty.........

Since coming to power in a bloodless coup called the Rose Revolution in 2003, Mr. Saakashvili has guided his country towards greater integration with the West, seeking membership in NATO and the European Union and sending Georgian troops to fight with American forces in Iraq -- moves that have soured once-friendly relations with Russia, Georgia's far-larger neighbor to the north.

Mr. Shaakashvili also put a high priority on reuniting three regions that refused to recognize federal rule: Ajaria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. He found quick success in Ajaria, a Black Sea region on the border with Turkey. Mr. Shaakashvili had hoped to woo South Ossetia back before tackling Abkhazia, but his overtures in 2005 were spurned.

In November 2007, opponents angry about corruption took to the streets in protests that were violently broken up by the police. In response, Mr. Shaakvashvili called for a special election. On Jan. 5, 2008, he was reelected to a new five-year term with 52 percent of the vote.

At the same time, voters approved a referendum on seeking membership in NATO, a popular idea after years of standoffs with Russia over Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

The NATO bid further angered Russia, which in the spring of 2008, announced that it was expanding its support for the two breakaway regions.

この Shaakvashvili の無血クーデターの背景にアメリカがあったことは広く知られているところです.
今回,前年52%の票しか取れなかったShaakvashviliが功を焦って,South Ossetia に攻め込んだのが事の発端です.


It was nearly 2 a.m. on Wednesday when President Nicolas Sarkozy of France announced he had accomplished what seemed virtually impossible: Persuading the leaders of Georgia and Russia to agree to a set of principles that would stop the war.

It soon became clear that the six-point deal not only failed to slow the Russian advance, but it also allowed Russia to claim that it could push deeper into Georgia as part of so-called additional security measures it was granted in the agreement. Mr. Sarkozy, according to a senior Georgian official who witnessed the negotiations, also failed to persuade the Russians to agree to any time limit on their military action........

Negotiating from a position of strength, the Russians demanded the fifth point, allowing their troops to act in what was termed a peacekeeping role, even outside the boundaries of the separatist enclaves where the war began, with an understanding that later an international agreement might obviate this need.

The vague language of the fifth point allows Russian peacekeepers to “implement additional security measures” while awaiting an international monitoring mechanism.


追記:8月14日18時(JST)の衛星テレビ・イギリスBBC TV放送は,オセティア出身の両親の元に生まれた有名な指揮者ゲルギエフ(現在London Symphony Orchestra のPrincipal Guest Conductor)をテレビ画面に生出演させていましたが,ゲルギエフは世界の注目がグルジアの被害に向けられているが,むしろグルジアがオセティアに侵攻して及ぼした人的・物的被害に大きな関心を寄せるべきだと主張していました.
なお,Wikipedia によりますと,2004年9月に,ゲルギエフが幼少から青年時を過ごした北オセチアの小学校で起こったチェチェン独立派によるテロ事件(約350人の少年中心の犠牲者がでたといわれます)直後の演奏会で、チャイコフスキーの「悲愴」を涙を流しながら指揮したというエピソードが伝えられています.

追記2:8月21日のBBC TVは,20日に有名なロンドンの夏のイヴェント;ロンドン・プロムスに London Symphony を率いてチャイコフスキーのバレー音楽特集に登場したゲルギエフが,21日にはオセティアの首都で彼の手兵,マリンスキー劇場管弦楽団を俄作りの野外劇場で指揮して,オセティアの犠牲者に捧げる追悼の曲,ショスタコービッチの「レニングラード」とチャイコフスキーの「悲愴」を演奏したことを伝えていました.ちなみに追悼曲の演奏の場合,指揮者もオケも拍手を受けないのが仕来りになっています.

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